DeSales University Physician Assisant student, Tracy Gould, serves as ABR's very first student accepted by the our program in Malawi. Tracy was able to stay for 3 weeks with her primary goal of jump starting burn prevention teaching to pre-schoolers in our immediate village, primary school and local orphanage. She was able to reach 120 children during her visit and additionally taught nursing students about burn contractures and how they can be prevented.
Her experience was diversified, observing burn surgeries, wound care and rounding with the local hospital team. Here she witnessed massive numbers of children stricken with malaria and measles, an experience she will never or fortunately see in the States. One of her most eye opening experiences was staying in a village hut with a local Malawian family, observing and experiencing first hand what it is like to live in the developing world. One man's words stuck with her when he stated, "make sure you come back soon. Malawi cannot stand on it's own and we need your help".
Tracy has served as an ideal role model for future student volunteers and students. PA Students interested in volunteering with the program can write a letter of interest to Jenn Wall-Dean, PA-C at
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